On construction and employment of yunnan - burma road during the anti - japanese war 抗战时期滇缅公路的修建及运输述论
The ledo road ran 465 miles from ledo to a junction with the burma road at mongyu 利多公路从利多至缅甸公路的一处相交点全长745公里。
The construction of the burma road over forbidding , monsoon - swept terrain was an astonishing feat 在险恶严峻,饱受季风摧残的地形修筑滇缅公路,是一项撼人的壮举。
The loss of the “ burma road , " left the allies with no alternative but to supply china entirely by air “滇缅公路”的丢失,留下那些没有任何选择的但在空中完全支持中国的盟军。
The nanyang ( southeast asia ) chinese drivers and mechanics corps , served along the yunnan - burma road and in the other places in china 南侨机工除了大部在滇缅公路搞军运外,还有不少分散在国内各处服务。
burma roadとは意味:ビルマルート burma road en francais:la route de birmanie, appelée de nos jours "la route kunming-wanding", route qui relie la birmanie à la chine et qui devint le salut de la chine puisqu'elle permit de ravitailler la chine en équipemen...burma road artinya:jalan raya burmaburma road 뜻:버마 로드burma road перевод:см Stilwell Road